There is a huge difference between people who get shit done, and happy people who get shit done.


Okay, if you are offended, then at least I caught your attention.


Do you ever feel like the only way to grab someone’s attention is to literally surprise them into the present moment? That is what happened to me over this last year. The more I got done, the more depressed I felt, and I couldn’t seem to snap myself out of it. 

Here I was, designing the business of my dreams, but I felt empty and tired. I was agitated and lacked inspiration.

Then one day, about 8 hours into my desk, it dawned on me, in the pursuit of chasing my own happiness, I had lost sight of what it was that happiness was supposed to provide for me.

How many of us can relate? We get so caught up in creating the perfect life, that we end up scheduling ourselves out of happiness. This happens in our work, our relationships, and our pursuit of physical fitness. The schedule becomes the goal.

There is a big difference between people who are happy and get things done, and people who are stressed and get things done, and that difference is how well you can align with yourself.

When are the times of day that you are likely to be triggered? Can you pinpoint those moments when you should call it a day so you can unwind and give your family the best side of you? How long has it been since you have felt rested and ready for the day? 

I am not suggesting that you ditch the to-do list and take a vacation, quite the contrary.  I am suggesting that you shift your perspective and begin schedule around your creative process and natural rhythm. That you get serious about what you eat, how much water you drink and pay attention to your brain chemistry.

Studies have shown that high productivity without creativity, leads to a number of declining experiences, including the inability to relax, poor concentration, agitation and anxiety, and general unhappiness.

For many people, this is where we begin to turn to activities, or things that make us feel better, like that afternoon sugar craving, or that late night wine binge - but that rarely works, and most times, exacerbates the issue.

So, what do you do?

Studies also show that creativity, and playfulness with action is part of a key high performing cognitive state that leads to innovation and high-functioning physical and mental capacities. When we do things that combine physical movement with present moment awareness, we balance the brainwaves that give us things like mental clarity, physical prowess, a heightened sense of self and personal achievement. Things like yoga, meditation, and physical sports that are natural to us enhance this mental state.

So how come this is one of the FIRST things people eliminate when they feel busy?

My friends, I don't know the answer, I did it - without even realizing it...and I'm a yoga teacher! 

So after some personal inquiry, I set the resolution for myself that I would not spend another year or month or even a day without doing something (active) that  inspires me, relaxes me, and sparks playful learning.  

So here it is in a nutshell…happy people who get shit done take aligned action with their daily to-do lists, and they prioritize activities that support that happy flow state.

I want to encourage you to take action.  Fast track yourself to more happiness and less busyness. 

Stay creative and inspired,


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